Whiskey For Two is a music video for Vince Moreno
Directed and Produced by Chris Hollo
Cinematography by Josh Shreve
Fabric of Country is a music video for Morgan Alexander
Directed and Produced by Chris Hollo
Career Development. Video for Wellstar Health System
Producer - Ian Petty
Director of Photography - Mark Mosrie
Introductory Video for Faith Family Medical Center
Producer - Ian Petty
Director of Photography - Mark Mosrie
Field To Closet is a supply chain initiative video for Jernigan Global
Produced and Directed by Chris Hollo
Bottle is a music video for Megan O’Neill
Directed and Produced by Chris Hollo
Cinematography by Mark Mosrie
Indulgence is a full service Salon and Medi Spa located in Hermitage, TN
Producer - Rachael Black
Director/Cinematographer - Chris Hollo
This is a 30-second television commercial for Elder Law of Nashville.
Director - Mark Mosrie
Director of Photography - Mark Mosrie
Holladay Properties is a full scale land development company in the US.
This job includes our editing as well as still and drone photography.
BagAlong product video
Layover is a music video shot for Rae Soloman
Produced and Directed by Chris Hollo
This is a short video of highlights from a Habitat for Humanity build in Middle Tennessee
Director - Chris Hollo
Director of Photography/Editor - Chris Hollo
Corporate promotional video for Market Share Sherpas, LLC.
Producer - Jim Wrigley
Cinematographer - Mark Mosrie
Music video for bluegrass artist Donna Ulisse
Producer - Doug Johnson for Hadley Music
Director/DP - Mark Mosrie
Training videos produced for Facebook META in Gallatin Tennessee
Producer - Chris Hollo
Director/DP - Chris Hollo and Mark Mosrie